Sunday Bible Classes Begin at 9:30 a.m.
Fellowship Hall
Young Professionals, Families
Family Life Center, Large Classroom 10
College Students
College students meet at the Yellow House
Taught by Scotty Spake
Taught by Scotty Spake
7th though 12th grade meet upstairs in Room 7
Taught by Scott Wallace
Taught by Scott Wallace
Children's Bible Classes
Infants in Nursery Room, downstairs - taught by Lisa Barbarick
2s to 4s in Room 9 (Jungle Room), downstairs
Kindergarten and 1st grade in Room 4, upstairs
2nd through 4th grade in Room 6, upstairs - taught by Lori Cunyus
5th and 6th grade in Room 8, downstairs - taught by Robin Johnson
2s to 4s in Room 9 (Jungle Room), downstairs
Kindergarten and 1st grade in Room 4, upstairs
2nd through 4th grade in Room 6, upstairs - taught by Lori Cunyus
5th and 6th grade in Room 8, downstairs - taught by Robin Johnson
Sunday Evening Bible Class Begins at 6 p.m.
Adult Bible Class
Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Night Bible Classes Begin at 6:30 p.m.
Adult Classes
Family Life Center, Large Classroom 10
Room 8, hallway between the main building and Family Life Center
Teen class is upstairs
Children's classes are upstairs
Family Life Center, Large Classroom 10
Room 8, hallway between the main building and Family Life Center
Teen class is upstairs
Children's classes are upstairs